Have you ever been tied up and gagged by your babysitter, your brother or sister, a cousin or a friend? Did you have any good bondage experiences while growing up? Have you been captured by the next door girl while playing Cowboys and& ...
alt sex story repository
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Thank you ASSTR for making this free site possible. This is a collection of LINKS to FREE EROTIC STORY SITES. This page is an on-going effort to build as large a selection as possible. If you know of a site not listed, please e-mail it to me for& ...
For Adults Only! This site contains content that might be considered offensive. If you are offended by adult stories depicting nudity, humiliation, castration, non-consensual sexual and other physical abuse of young boys, if you are not of legal& ...
Have you ever been tied up and gagged by your babysitter, your brother or sister, a cousin or a friend? Did you have any good bondage experiences while growing up? Have you been captured by the next door girl while playing Cowboys and& ...
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Alt Sex Story Repository
Alt Sex Story Repository